Monday, April 1, 2013

Cliff Diving

No, I didn't fall or dive off the edge of a cliff... but it sure has felt pretty close to it this past week.  So much to do.  So much to take in.  So much to see.  Mainly, so much to process.
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Let's back up a bit.  On Monday, March 25, I flew in to St. Martin's with Lily, Meredith and Martin's mother, Charlotte.  We spent a lovely evening by the ocean at a quaint little beachfront hotel.  We had planned to get up early the next morning and meet Martin and his crew at the draw bridge and welcome them to St. Martin.  However, plans changed quickly when Martin called and said they were arriving sooner than expected.  So, we nixed the welcome party at the bridge and drove straight to the marina.

Meredith (Martin's oldest daughter) hadn't planned to come on this first trip but I thought it would be fun to surprise Martin with the whole family welcoming him after a long 20 day crossing of the Atlantic.  When we got to the marina, we headed straight for Amara where we were greeted by Garry.  Martin quickly came up to the deck and imagine his surprise when he saw Meredith?!
Then he greeted Charlotte with another huge hug...
Then, he got to little Lily... She recognized him immediately but was a little apprehensive at first...
It took her a minute or so to warm up to the idea that her daddy was right before her.
Of course, what you've all been waiting for... the meeting that was 9 weeks in the making.  A great big kiss and a very welcomed hug from me.  Boy, was I happy to see Martin again.
Sorry, folks.  This is even a little too mushy for my taste, but when the moment's right...
It was all a little overwhelming for Martin to see us there together, and even a little more overwhelming for me to see my home for the next 10 months or so.  We all settled in, hugs went all around to Patrice and Garry and then we all got to work getting the boat ready.  (I have found this past week that there is ALWAYS work to be done on a boat.)  

First things first, we got all of the cushions out of Lily's room and up on to the deck.  Meanwhile, Charlotte took a little cat nap while Lily hung out with Grandma.
Then we went out to dinner to celebrate a successful crossing.
So much more to cover, but there is work to be done and few hands available.  I will update with more tomorrow.  I just didn't want you to think that I didn't survive the "jump".  More tomorrow...