Sunday, May 4, 2014

I've got my Google Earth eye on you!

Well, it looks like AMARA made it to Cairns and is safely docked in a marina.

By using our tool, "Where In the World" on the right side navigation bar (on the front of our blog), I was able to zoom in and pinpoint exactly where AMARA is in the marina.  I love that I can check up so closely on Martin.  In fact, I sent him an instant message this morning asking him why they didn't dock outside the marina?  This was just to let him know that I am watching!

This application really is so much fun.  Give it a try!

The yellow tack on the screen shows exactly what slip AMARA is tied up to in the marina.
Martin and crew will be in Cairns for a few days as they are waiting for engine parts to arrive.  This is where Lily and I were to meet up with the crew, but alas, it looks like it will be another week or two before we set foot on AMARA.

Meanwhile, Lily and I are enjoying the most beautiful spring here in Utah.
Lily enjoying springtime at our home in Utah.
I'll continue to keep you updated and do a few more screen shots along the way to let you AND Martin know that I got my eye on him.  {wink!}
