The beautiful streets of Mauritius. |
On Sunday, Martin and crew (David, Doug and John) made it safely to Mauritius. They are now officially two-thirds of the way across the Indian Ocean. It was a fairly calm sail, with the wind at their back, but they are certainly glad to be on land for a few days.
Mauritius is different than the islands of Indonesia as it is has more of a European influence. It has been a lovely stay for everyone, especially since AMARA was given the best parking spot in the marina—right in front a 5-star hotel!
AMARA front and center! |
It's been really great being right in front of the hotel because Martin is able to sit at a wonderful breakfast in the hotel while he and I Skype his morning (my night) away getting caught up on all things Frey. It's been a real luxury.
Tomorrow they hope to push off and head to Durban. It will take them around 12 days (1576nm). Their weather window wasn't good yesterday or they would have left sooner. I am hoping to get in one more phone call with Martin before they leave.
Now this is my idea of sailing! |